Enable Facebook chat in pidgin

To use facebook chat in pidgin enter the followig commands

1.sudo apt-get install pidgin-facebookchat

2.wget http://pidgin-facebookchat.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-facebookchat-1.38.deb

Now you should have pidgin-facebookchat-1.38.deb package.Install this .deb package using the following command

3.sudo dpkg -i pidgin-facebookchat-1.38.deb

This will complete the installation.After installation you need to restart Pidgin! You will then have a FacebookChat option in your accounts manager dialog.

screenshot of terminal is added

Configuring twitter in Ubuntu

This will help you to configure twitter in ubuntu….
open termnal….
type this command
sudo apt-get install pidgin-mbpurple
this is a plugin to use twitter in pidgin…..
After instalation select add account then in the protocol select Twitter IM there is also an old twitter im dont select that…
then type the account details…..
use it…..

To see the replies, send the command /replies
To look for new tweets (although it auto-refreshes), send the command /refresh

for othr IM’s you can use /buzz for making a buzz