Arduino IR Remote identification

Download IR remote library from the following link

Unzip the download.Rename it as IRremote and put it in arduino’s libraries folder.

To detect the remote


Set up a TSOP sensor like the above schematic…

Load the example code from File -> Examples -> IRremote -> IRrecvDemo then click the “Upload” button.Click the “Serial Monitor” button to bring up a window that will allow us to see the codes being returned to us by the Arduino. Start mashing buttons and you should see a lot of numbers scroll by like in the image below.


The ones that start off with FF and then have numbers or letters are the codes we are after. A FFFFFFFF is a continuation code and the 0 on its own line is a read error.

Happy Hacking 🙂

Configuring Kinect with processing in ubuntu


To configure kinect with processing in ubuntu 12.04..first download openni installer


uncompress the file…there will be four folders like this.

Screenshot from 2013-01-18 16:55:03

Inside kinect folder there will be one more folder named Sensor-Bin-Linux…all folders will be having an file

open a terminal and cd to each folder and issue the following install command

sudo ./

Now download processing software i used the stable release processing 1.5


extract it

Now download SimpleOpenNI processing library


when you run processing for the first time a folder named sketchbook will be created inside home folder

Copy the ‘’ into this folder:


and extract it

if you don’t have libraries folder then create one inside sketchbook

Now restart porcessing from file menu take Examples>Contributed Libraries>simple openni and select depth image example.

Screenshot from 2013-01-17 03_51_51

Connect the kinect to the system .Now compile and run the code if sucessfulyou will get an output window like this.

Screenshot from 2013-01-17 03_53_50

You need java installed in yur system for the working of processing

Happy Hacking 🙂